
Showing posts from July, 2019

Human internal organs in Luchazi

WORDS RELATED TO HEALTH. 1.  Muono = life. 2.  Yoya = live. 3.  Vuvezi = illness or sickness. 4.  Mavezi = diseases. 5.  Musongo = disease. 5.  Musongo ua kulitambuisa = contagious or infectious epidemic disease or pestilence. 6.  Kuvavala = sick or unwell or in pain. 7.  Na vavala = he/ she is unwell. 8.  Lundunda = headache. 9.  Masikasika = fever. 10.  Kakoho = cough. 11.  Kuhambuka = dysentery. 12.  Mbandu = wound or sore  13.  Maninga = blood. 14.  Lihote = boil. 15.  Mahote = boils. 16.  Tusina = pus. 17.  Mbumba = leprosy. 18   Zintiti = swollen legs and arms. 19.  Lifulu = foam. 20.  Mikiki = bruises. 21. Kusinia = epileptic fit or convulsions or epilepsy. 22.  Tsehula or Ku tsehula = sneeze or to sneeze. 23.  Ku kanguka or kanguka = healed or heal  24.  Ku katala = exhausted. 25.  Matukuta = sweat. 26.  Kusandza = vomit. 27.  ...