Family vocabulary in Luchazi
Family vocabulary and words defining human relationship These are words used to talk about different members of a family. It is important to learn words defining relationship correctly from the very beginning as they are so common in everyday speech. Here are the Lucazi words and their meanings in English: Visemi = parents. Tata = father or paternal uncle or great grandfather. Vatata (plural or polite form) = fathers or, polite form for father or paternal uncle or great grandfather). Tatetu = our father. Iso = your father. Vaiso (polite form) = your father. Isuenu = your father. Ise = his or her father. Vaise (polite form) = his or her father. Iseavo = their father. Nana = mother or maternal aunt or great grandmother. Vanana (plural or polite form) = mothers or, polite form for mother or maternal aunt or great grandmother. Nanetu = our mother. Noko = your mother. Naye or vanaye = his or her mother. Nayavo = their mother. Cinavala = aunt or paternal aunt. Cinavaletu = our aunt....