Names of insects in Luchazi

Insects vocabulary in Lucazi

Insects can be divided into two groups namely flying insects and crawling insects.

  1. Kalume = insect.
  2. Tulume (plural) = insects.
  3. Vuandandzili = cobweb or spider’s web.
  4. Mandandzili (plural) = cobwebs.

Flying insects

Here is a list of the common flying insects in Luchazi and English:

  1. Cimbilimbindzi = butterfly.
  2. Kangenengene = mosquito.
  3. Tungenengene (plural) = mosquitoes.
  4. Kasua = flying termite.
  5. Tusua (plural) = flying termites.
  6. Lilu = wasp or hornet.
  7. Malu (plural) = wasps or hornets.
  8. Mbimba = locust.
  9. Vambimba (plural) = locusts.
  10. Mbimba Cimoto
  11. Mbimba Likumbi
  12. Mbimba Liteva
  13. Mbimba Mukumbi
  14. Mbimba Musamusa
  15. Mbimba Kapoko
  16. Munkelendende = dragonfly.
  17. Mpuka = bee.
  18. Vampuka = bees.
  19. Ndzindzi = housefly.
  20. Vandzindzi (plural) = houseflies.
  21. Ntembulu = moth.
  22. Vantembulu (plural) =
  23. Tetakatemo = praying mantis.

Crawling insects

Here is a list of common insect vocabulary related to crawling insects:

  1. Citokotoko = dung beetle.
  2. Kambatua = tick.
  3. Kantsenia = cankerworm.
  4. Kazendze = cricket.
  5. Kavuvi = spider.
  6. Lintimbu or cintimbu = big dog tick.
  7. Livuno = maggot.
  8. Mavuno (plural) = maggots.
  9. Liungu = caterpillar.
  10. Linieue = scorpion.
  11. Mbumbunkulu = beetle.
  12. Mpendzi = cockroach.
  13. Mongu (plural) = caterpillars.
  14. Nguna = worm.
  15. Ntsizi = ant.
  16. Ntsumbututu = ant.
  17. Vantsumbututu (plural) = ants.
  18. Ndzandu = flea.
  19. Ina = louse.
  20. Vena (plural) = lice.
  21. Ntsania = bedbug.

Water insects

Here is a list of water insects in Lucazi

  1. Kangenengene = mosquito.
  2. Lisundzu = leech.
  3. Munkelendende = dragonfly.

Types of edible caterpillars

The edible caterpillars include:

  1. Makilakila
  2. Tukomba
  3. Makese
  4. Mayaya
  5. Tukandu
  6. Mbandama
  7. Tuvamba
  8. Viuva
  9. Masalia
  10. Masenda


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