Elision is the process of joining or merging of words that result in shorter version of that word (e.g., Do not = don't, there is = there's). 1. Tata yetu = tatetu (our father). 2. Nana yetu = nanetu (our mother). 3. Iso uenu = isuenu (your father). 4. Noko uenu = nokuenu (your mother). 5. Yala yange = yaliange (my husband). 6. Mpuevo yange = mpueiange (my wife). 7. Yala yove = yaliove (your husband). 8. Mpuevo yove = mpueliove (your wife). 9. Yala yeni = yalieni (her husband). 10. Mpuevo yeni = mpueieni (his wife). 11. Muana uange = muanange (my child). 12. Muana ueni = muaneni (his/her child). 13. Muana uetu = muanetu (our child). 14. Mpanji yove = mpanjove (your cousin). 15. Nanantu = nantu (my uncle). 16. Nokontu uenu = nokontuenu (your uncle). 17. Tele = te (first). 18. Ngantsa ka = antsa ka (wouldn't have). 19. Tala = ta (watch) Ex. Ta nji pange (watch while I work). 20. Mana = ma (wait). Ex. ma nji handeke (wait while I speak). 21. Intsimbu = int...