
Showing posts from April, 2021

Consonantal glides in Lucazi

Consonantal glides The consonantal combinations are formed and written by combination of two or three consonants. In Luchazi, letter J is always preceded by letter N and pronounced as in English. These consonantal combinations are: 1. "Mb" as in mbolokota (to chew with a crushing noise). 2. "Mp" as in mpundu (rightly/truly). 3. "Nc" as in muncinda (mountain). 4. "Nd" as in ndonga (river). 5. "Ndz" as in ndzimba (ignorant). 6. "Ng" as in ngendzo (bell). 7. "Nj" as in Njambi (God). 8. "Nk" as in nkole (foe). 9. "Nt" as in ntunda (shoreline/shore). 10. "Nts" as in ntsenge (kitchen). 11. "Ts" as in tsiliela (faith/trust). Here are some words with consonantal combinations: 1. Mbuatama = to sit down heavily or lazily. 2. Mbimbiliya = Bible. 3. Mbuto = seed. 4. Mbimba = locust. 5. Mbimbo = thorn. 6. Mbambo = nail/peg. 7. Mbimbi = wailing. 8. Mbimbiamitue = weeping/wailing. 9. Mbendo =...

Diphthongs (Gliding vowels) in Luchazi language

Diphthongs (Gliding vowels) A diphthong is a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable, in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves towards another. Diphthongs are frequent in Luchazi, letter I is pronounced like Y as in the word Niali (sister/brother-in-law). Similarly, letter U make a sound like W in English as in the word Naua (again) . There are several diphthongs in Luchazi language, and these are: ai, au, ia or ya˚, ie or ye˚, yi, io or yo˚, iu or yu˚, ua, ue, ui, and uo. Master the diphthongs in Luchazi and you will never go wrong in spelling.   In Luchazi, the following are the diphthongs: 1.  "ai" as in fulai (aeroplane). 2.  "au" as in naumu or nomu. 3.  "ia" as in hia (give). 4.  "ie" as in ohiela (save/defend). 5.  "yi" as in eyi (these/this). 6.  "io" as in niotomueno (mother/daughter-in-law). 7.  "iu"  as in asiua (are easy) 8.  "ua" as in kuasa (help). 9.  ...

Vowels in Lucazi

Vowels The letters A, E, I, O and U are called vowels. The other letters in the alphabet are called consonants. Words are formed and written from vowels and consonants. In Luchazi, the vowels have continental or Italian values and the sounds of the vowels are grouped into two: short vowels and long vowels. SHORT VOWELS: The vowels are shorter when unstressed. 1.  "a" as in paya, hanga, asa. 2.  "e" as in hete, seze, henga. 3.  "i" as in citi, linga. 4.  "o" as in soko, loto, onga, kosa, luozi, yoya. 5.  "u" as in kusa, mbunga, futuka. LONG VOWELS: The vowels are prolonged when accented, doubled or when stressed. 1.  "a" as in tata, nana, ku laako. 2.  "e" as in heta, seza, 3.  "i" as in tina, sika. 4.  "o" as in sota, koka, zoza, ngozi. 5.  "u" as in tuta, fula. NB: A vowel is defined as "a speech sound produced by open configuration of the vocal tract, with vibration of the vocal c...