Diphthongs (Gliding vowels)
These are formed and written by combination of two vowels. There are frequent in use and important in Luchazi spelling. "i" is pronounced like "y" in the word Niali (brother/sister-in-law). Similarly "u" may make a sound like English W (This is what is meant when they say vowels have Italian values in Luchazi). In Luchazi, the following are the diphthongs:
1. "ai" as in fulai (aeroplane).
2. "au" as in naumu or nomu.
3. "ia" as in hia (give).
4. "ie" as in ohiela (save/defend).
5. "yi" as in eyi (these/this).
6. "io" as in niotomueno (mother/daughter-in-law).
7. "iu" as in asiua (are easy)
8. "ua" as in kuasa (help).
9. "ue" as in kueseka (attempt).
10. "ui" as in uisa (bring down).
11. "uo" as in vuoma (fear).
Note: The letters Q, W, X and Y are not in frequent use in Luchazi spelling and appear only in names and borrowed words from Portuguese and other languages. Here are some words with diphthongs:
1. Makai (bracelets).
2. Tuhia = fire. Tuhya is incorrect spelling.
3. Suameka = ignite/light. Swameka is incorrect.
4. Muisi = smoke. Mwisi is incorrect.
5. Fuitanga = struggle with.
6. Vusiua = grief.
7. Muizi = thief.
8. Muana = child. Mwana is incorrect spelling.
9. Uatsahakulia = glutton.
10. Lihia = farm/garden.
11. Muila = grass. Mwila is incorrect spelling.
13. Mpuila = thirst.
14. Vuilo = manure/ fertilizer.
15. Ivuilila = listen.
16. Liata = stamp on.
17. Peliangela = stagger.
18. Taliangela = stagger.
19. Matuitui = ears.
20. Muandzi = crack.
21. Mbueti = walking stick.
22. Ohia = roar or send a loud sound.
23. Singanieka = think or recall.
24. Vuasi = fast.
25. Enieka = destroy.
26. Vuihi = short.
27. Muiva = belt.
28. Sueka = hide. Sweka is incorrect spelling.
29. Hiana = better/overcome.
30. Kuita = rub.
31. Tuima = warm/hot.
32. Huima = rest.
33. Muongo = back.
34. Cisuntsuiso = stumbling block.
35. Cinietete = thumb or big toe.
36. Niunga = safeguard.
37. Kasindamatuitui = deaf person.
38. Uaviuka= beautiful, lovely, handsome.
Wabyuka (written like this when it is a name of a person) is incorrect.
39. NiaCivueka = mother of Civueka. Not NyaCivueka.
40. Kavuivuivui = having a poor eyesight.
Master the diphthongs in Luchazi and you will never go wrong in spelling.
For further reading:
1. Luchazi Grammar by Emil Pearson.
2. Mbimbiliya (The Bible in Luchazi). Get yourself a copy and read it; it will help you to learn more about Luchazi language and understand the Luchazi language better.
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