Consonantal glides in Lucazi

Consonantal glides

The consonantal combinations are formed and written by combination of two or three consonants. In Luchazi, letter J is always preceded by letter N and pronounced as in English. These consonantal combinations are:
1. "Mb" as in mbolokota (to chew with a crushing noise).
2. "Mp" as in mpundu (rightly/truly).
3. "Nc" as in muncinda (mountain).
4. "Nd" as in ndonga (river).
5. "Ndz" as in ndzimba (ignorant).
6. "Ng" as in ngendzo (bell).
7. "Nj" as in Njambi (God).
8. "Nk" as in nkole (foe).
9. "Nt" as in ntunda (shoreline/shore).
10. "Nts" as in ntsenge (kitchen).
11. "Ts" as in tsiliela (faith/trust).
Here are some words with consonantal combinations:
1. Mbuatama = to sit down heavily or lazily.
2. Mbimbiliya = Bible.
3. Mbuto = seed.
4. Mbimba = locust.
5. Mbimbo = thorn.
6. Mbambo = nail/peg.
7. Mbimbi = wailing.
8. Mbimbiamitue = weeping/wailing.
9. Mbendo = flute.
10. Mbeli = surgical knife/blade.
11. Mpanga = sheep.
12.  Mpango = in order that.
13.  Mpumputa = dust.
14.  Ndemba = cock.
15.  Ndundo = hunchback.
16.  Ndoho = pot.
17.  Ndzivo = house. Nzivo is incorrect spelling.
18.  Ndzindza = boundary.
19.  Ndzango = a meeting place/shelter in the middle of the village for men. Nzango/Zango is incorrect.
20.  Ngandi = so-and-so.
21.  Ngano = then/in that case/in any case.
22.  Nga = if.
23.  Ngamba = servant.
24.  Ngandzo = bird trap.
25.  Ngengu = bright red.
26.  Ngendzo = bell.
27.  Nguavo = they say/are saying/said.
28.  Nguetu = we say/are saying/said.
29.  Ngueni = he/she says/is saying/said.
30.  Ngombe = cow/ox.
31.  Ngazi = judge.
32.  Ngundzi = pillar.
33.  Ngue = like/as/so.
34.  Ngandu = crocodile.
34.  Nguvu = hippo.
35.  Ngulu = pig
36.  Njamba = elephant.
37.  Njanena = window.
38.  Njombi = erectile crest of hair or feathers especially brushed backward.
39.  Njongo = litre.
40.  Njeke = sack.
41.  Nkomba = male animal.
42.  Nkulundundu = vengeance.
43.  Nkeke = compassionate.
44.  Nkumbua = ostrich.
45.  Ntanga = cloth.
46.  Ntelo = shield.
47.  Ntuatua = first born.
48.  Ntumba = elder daughter.
49.  Ntangantanga = star.
50.  Ntunda = shore/shoreline.
51.  Ntsenkulu = ancient time.
52.  Ntsani = flower.
53.  Ntsoni = shame.
54.  Ntsangu = rattle.
55.  Ntsingo = neck.
56.  Ntsimbu = time.
57.  Tsikama = kneel.
58.  Tsinda = bury.
59.  Tsindakana = clamp/press.
60.  Tsimika = burn.


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