Clothes and accessories vocabulary in Luchazi
Clothes and accessories vocabulary
- Muzi = lack of clothing or shabby appearance.
- Matakotako = uncovered buttocks.
- Vuntselentsele = nakedness.
- Zala = dress up.
- Zula = undress.
- Vuzalo or vizalo = clothes or garment.
- Mbengua = a hole in a cloth or a line of teared cloth.
- Citopeko = patch.
- Ku topeka = to patch.
- Citopeko ca ntanga = a patch of cloth.
- Vindzumbila = clouts or patches on worn-out clothes.
- Vintukuntuku = old rotten rags.
- Zintsantso = rags.
- Muntsakania = tassel or a tuft of loosely hanging threads.
- Mukunduilo = hem or border of a garment
- Kazaku = jacket.
- Kambilititi = coat.
- Cikovelo = shirt.
- Cikalasau = short or pant.
- Muiva = belt.
- Zinkaku = sandals.
- Sapato = shoes.
- Makayi = bracelets.
- Kandzeya = ring.
Most of the articles belong to the Class 6 (Ci- Vi) and other noun classes together with their subclasses. Other words related to the clothing articles:
- Cindambua (sl.) = Sackcloth or coarse fabric.
- Vindambua (pl.) = Sack clothes or coarse fabrics.
- Ntanga (sl.) = Cloth.
- Zintanga (pl.) = Clothes.
- Kaputula = Pant or Shorts.
- Vulukue = Trousers.
- Mbendelio = Perfume.
- Cikanda = Skin/Leather.
- Cikeleya = Cloth.
- Lipayi = Blanket.
- Sisa = Mat.
- Tavula = Tear or split.
- Tonga = Sew.
- Tongonona = Rip stitches.
- Kuta = Tie.
- Kutulula = Untie.
- Zenga = Twist, or wind into spiral.
- Zengununa = Unwind or untwist.
- Vuanda = Cotton.
- Kusa = wash a fabric garment or utensils by the action of water.
- Cilambu = leather/skin.
- Sapeu = Turban.
Colours names in Luchazi
Here are common
phrases used by Lucazi people to describe colours:
- Pilika = colour or coloured. Muiva ua ku pilieka mueka na mueka = a belt of many colours.
- Vuantsangua = mixed colours.
- Ku tila = to be red or ruddy.
- Ku tila ngengu = scarlet; deep red.
- Ku lava = to be black or dark.
- Ku lava vui = to be pitch black or dark
- Ku lavuluka = to be green.
- Avusu = green.
- Avuvusu = green.
- Ku vuka = to be white.
- Ku tiluluka = to be yellowish.
- Ku zuza = to fade.
- Mavala-mavala = stripes.
- Vitoma = spotty; spots.
Ku tila kati ku
viuka; ku lava kati ku pola = to be light skinned is not to be beautiful; to be
dark skinned is not to be rotten or ugly.
Mwata Kalenga Chihinga, I appreciate this blog. I can finally learn and communicate in my mother tongue rather than this foreign language