
Showing posts from May, 2021

Geographical features in Luchazi

Geographical features vocabulary Geographical features are the physical features of the earth including man-made features. 1.  Mavu = Earth or land. 2.  Muncinda = Mountain. 3.  Mincinda (plural) = Mountains. 4.  Malundu = Hills. 5.  Lilundu (singular) = Hill. 6.  Cimbongo = Valley. 7.  Mavue = Stones or rocks. 8.  Cana = Plain. 9.  Zindinda = Deserts. 10.  Ndonga = River. 11.  Zindundzi = Springs of water. 12.  Mema a kalunga = Sea. 13.  Ndzinga = Ocean. 14.  Zinkundu = Islands. 15.  Nkundu (singular) = Island. 16.  Cisali = Pool or lake. 17.  Ndzindza = Boundary mark. 18.  Vucelo = East. 19.  Vutokelo = West. 20.  Nolote = North. 21.  Sulu = South. 22.  Cilio = Right. 23.  Cimosue = Left. 24.  Mpumputa = Dust. 25.  Museke = Sand. To be continued... F eel free to contribute and make corrections in the comment box. Thank you.

Weather conditions vocabulary in Luchazi

Weather conditions in Lucazi Weather conditions refer to day-to-day state of atmosphere prevailing in an area as regards heat, wind, rain, cloudiness etc. Here are some words and phrases used to describe weather conditions in Lucazi and their meanings in English: 1.  Maselua = clouds. 2.  Liselua (singular) = cloud. 3.  Kalunga = Rain. 4.  Mema a ku noka = rain. 5.  Luindza = rainy or wet. 6.  Mihiato = lightning. 7.  Ku-zima ca kalunga = Thunder. 8.  Nkongolo = rainbow. 9.  Cau = dry. 10.  Ndzualala = bright or clear. 11.  Mutana = Sunny. 12.  Luhundzi = windy. 13.  Livazi = flood. 14.  Mbundu = mist. 15.  Mume = dew. 16.  Cuku or Muku = vapour. 17.  Neve = snown. 18.  Ntondue = summer. 19.  Mema a Lihungula ntsoke = spring rain or spring. 20.  Mema a Musanda = autumn rain or autumn. 21.  Cisika = winter. 22. Lusiho = winter. 23.  Masika = cold. 24.  Cinkumba = whirlwind. ...

Homographs in Luchazi language

Homographs in Luchazi Homographs are words or phrases that are spelled the same but have different meaning, origin or pronunciation. Here is a list of homographs in Luchazi and their meanings in English: Cisandzi = swamp. Cisandzi = musical instrument or radio. Cimbembesi = shadow. Cimbembesi = spirit. Cina = dance. Cina = burrow or hole. Ca casi = it is easy. Ca casi = it is open. Example: lipito lia casi (the door is open) Cali = hen or female bird. Cali = I don’t want it or what for. Hia = give. Hia = be ripe. Huima = breath. Huima = rest. Kalunga = rain. Kalunga = supreme deity. Kanda = not yet. Kanda = never or yet. Example: kanda u vi mone? Ku kanda = to forbid. Ku kanda = to dig up groundnuts. Ntsimbu kanda = before. Te kanda = not yet or not before. Kafuti = child born after twins. Kafuti = small dark bulldog fish species. Kakuhu = titular name for third-born daughter. Kakuhu = giraffe. Kasongo = official. Kasongo = titular name for sixth born son or daughter. Kela or ku kela...