Geographical features in Luchazi

Geographical features vocabulary

Geographical features are the physical features of the earth including man-made features.
1.  Mavu = Earth or land.
2.  Muncinda = Mountain.
3.  Mincinda (plural) = Mountains.
4.  Malundu = Hills.
5.  Lilundu (singular) = Hill.
6.  Cimbongo = Valley.
7.  Mavue = Stones or rocks.
8.  Cana = Plain.
9.  Zindinda = Deserts.
10.  Ndonga = River.
11.  Zindundzi = Springs of water.
12.  Mema a kalunga = Sea.
13.  Ndzinga = Ocean.
14.  Zinkundu = Islands.
15.  Nkundu (singular) = Island.
16.  Cisali = Pool or lake.
17.  Ndzindza = Boundary mark.
18.  Vucelo = East.
19.  Vutokelo = West.
20.  Nolote = North.
21.  Sulu = South.
22.  Cilio = Right.
23.  Cimosue = Left.
24.  Mpumputa = Dust.
25.  Museke = Sand.
To be continued... F
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