Homographs in Luchazi language

Homographs in Luchazi

Homographs are words or phrases that are spelled the same but have different meaning, origin or pronunciation. Here is a list of homographs in Luchazi and their meanings in English:

  1. Cisandzi = swamp.
  2. Cisandzi = musical instrument or radio.
  3. Cimbembesi = shadow.
  4. Cimbembesi = spirit.
  5. Cina = dance.
  6. Cina = burrow or hole.
  7. Ca casi = it is easy.
  8. Ca casi = it is open. Example: lipito lia casi (the door is open)
  9. Cali = hen or female bird.
  10. Cali = I don’t want it or what for.
  11. Hia = give.
  12. Hia = be ripe.
  13. Huima = breath.
  14. Huima = rest.
  15. Kalunga = rain.
  16. Kalunga = supreme deity.
  17. Kanda = not yet.
  18. Kanda = never or yet. Example: kanda u vi mone?
  19. Ku kanda = to forbid.
  20. Ku kanda = to dig up groundnuts.
  21. Ntsimbu kanda = before.
  22. Te kanda = not yet or not before.
  23. Kafuti = child born after twins.
  24. Kafuti = small dark bulldog fish species.
  25. Kakuhu = titular name for third-born daughter.
  26. Kakuhu = giraffe.
  27. Kasongo = official.
  28. Kasongo = titular name for sixth born son or daughter.
  29. Kela or ku kela = brew or to brew.
  30. Kela or ku kela = to cut grass.
  31. Ku vumbika = to show honour or grace.
  32. Ku vumbika = to bury something or rubbish.
  33. Ku tsinda = to bury a corpse.
  34. Ku va = to skin an animal.
  35. Kuva = sow.
  36. Kuta = Tie.
  37. Kuta = to be full/Satisfied with food.
  38. Ku-hiata = to flash.
  39. Ku hiata = to play a game of small pebbles.
  40. Lilimi = tongue.
  41. Lilimi = language.
  42. Lema or Ku lema = heavy or to be heavy.
  43. Ku lema = to love. Example: ku nji lema cove ca va tanganesa (your loving me has confused them).
  44. Linga = do.
  45. Linga = in order that.
  46. Ku-lela or lela = to give birth.
  47. Ku lela or lela = to be holy.
  48. Lizi = voice.
  49. Lizi = word.
  50. Mbandze = Jackal.
  51. Mbandze = purlin.
  52. Matambi = African mining bees or ground bees.
  53. Matambi (plural) = fishing baskets.
  54. Mangana = wisdom or knowledge.
  55. Mangana = in order that.
  56. Mana = stand.
  57. Mana = wait. Example: mana nji handeke (wait while I speak).
  58. Mana = finish. Example: nji na mane (I have finished).
  59. Mene = tomorrow.
  60. Mene (Past tense of mana) = stood.
  61. Mesa = table.
  62. Mesa = make it stand.
  63. Mpoko = knife.
  64. Mpoko = authority or licence or permission. Example: Muana a li muintsi ya mpoko ya visemi (a child is under the authority of the parents.)
  65. Muyati = type or kind.
  66. Muyati = lineage or clan.
  67. Mukanda = letter.
  68. Mukanda = circumcision camp.
  69. Muisi = pestle.
  70. Muisi = smoke.
  71. Mulumbi = miser or a mean person; an extremely sting person or a person who hoards wealth and spends very little. Cheapskate, cheeseparer, niggard, penny pincher, scrooge, or tightwad.
  72. Lizi "Mulumbi" lia kala na vulanguluisi vueka na vueka, hamosi li tumbula uze ke ku hana ku vakuavo, hamosi li tumbula uze a zimbalesa ntsimbu ngoco, hamosi li tumbula uze ke ku panga vimosi via seho, hamosi li tumbula ciheve.
  73. Mulumbi = time waster.
  74. Mulumbi = a person who does not do something good.
  75. Mulumbi = a fool.
  76. A ngoco = useless, worthless.
  77. Ngoco or va ngoco = without sense, no purpose.
  78. Ngoco or ngoco vene = thus/therefore.
  79. Ntunda = period.
  80. Ntunda = shoreline.
  81. Nkulundundu = grudge or vengeance.
  82. Nkulundundu = non-hunter.
  83. Nkala = crab.
  84. Nkala (indefinite pronoun) = any or anything. Example: nkala cuma (anything), nkala muhela (any bed).
  85. Omo = because.
  86. Omo = when.
  87. Omo = while.
  88. Omo vene = even so/alright.
  89. Pangela = share or distribute.
  90. Pangela = work for.
  91. Pita = pass.
  92. Pita = own or possess.
  93. Sika = rule or reign.
  94. Sika = promise.
  95. Singa = smear.
  96. Singa = stir.
  97. Singa = place a curse on.
  98. Soka = Shut.
  99. Soka = Grow in relationship to plants.
  100. Tota or kutota = knock/to knock.
  101. Tota or kutota = hatch or to hatch.
  102. Vangela = begin.
  103. Vangela = accuse falsely.
  104. Viana = deny or refuse.
  105. Viana (reproduction) = sperms or semen.
  106. Vuikisa = prepare.
  107. Vuikisa = make good or beautify.
  108. Zika = dress up someone.
  109. Zika = close an opening.
  110. Zula = wet
  111. Zula = undress.

To be continued.


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