Homographs in Luchazi language
Homographs in Luchazi
Homographs are words or phrases that are spelled the same but have different meaning, origin or pronunciation. Here is a list of homographs in Luchazi and their meanings in English:
- Cisandzi = swamp.
- Cisandzi = musical instrument or radio.
- Cimbembesi = shadow.
- Cimbembesi = spirit.
- Cina = dance.
- Cina = burrow or hole.
- Ca casi = it is easy.
- Ca casi = it is open. Example: lipito lia casi (the door is open)
- Cali = hen or female bird.
- Cali = I don’t want it or what for.
- Hia = give.
- Hia = be ripe.
- Huima = breath.
- Huima = rest.
- Kalunga = rain.
- Kalunga = supreme deity.
- Kanda = not yet.
- Kanda = never or yet. Example: kanda u vi mone?
- Ku kanda = to forbid.
- Ku kanda = to dig up groundnuts.
- Ntsimbu kanda = before.
- Te kanda = not yet or not before.
- Kafuti = child born after twins.
- Kafuti = small dark bulldog fish species.
- Kakuhu = titular name for third-born daughter.
- Kakuhu = giraffe.
- Kasongo = official.
- Kasongo = titular name for sixth born son or daughter.
- Kela or ku kela = brew or to brew.
- Kela or ku kela = to cut grass.
- Ku vumbika = to show honour or grace.
- Ku vumbika = to bury something or rubbish.
- Ku tsinda = to bury a corpse.
- Ku va = to skin an animal.
- Kuva = sow.
- Kuta = Tie.
- Kuta = to be full/Satisfied with food.
- Ku-hiata = to flash.
- Ku hiata = to play a game of small pebbles.
- Lilimi = tongue.
- Lilimi = language.
- Lema or Ku lema = heavy or to be heavy.
- Ku lema = to love. Example: ku nji lema cove ca va tanganesa (your loving me has confused them).
- Linga = do.
- Linga = in order that.
- Ku-lela or lela = to give birth.
- Ku lela or lela = to be holy.
- Lizi = voice.
- Lizi = word.
- Mbandze = Jackal.
- Mbandze = purlin.
- Matambi = African mining bees or ground bees.
- Matambi (plural) = fishing baskets.
- Mangana = wisdom or knowledge.
- Mangana = in order that.
- Mana = stand.
- Mana = wait. Example: mana nji handeke (wait while I speak).
- Mana = finish. Example: nji na mane (I have finished).
- Mene = tomorrow.
- Mene (Past tense of mana) = stood.
- Mesa = table.
- Mesa = make it stand.
- Mpoko = knife.
- Mpoko = authority or licence or permission. Example: Muana a li muintsi ya mpoko ya visemi (a child is under the authority of the parents.)
- Muyati = type or kind.
- Muyati = lineage or clan.
- Mukanda = letter.
- Mukanda = circumcision camp.
- Muisi = pestle.
- Muisi = smoke.
- Mulumbi = miser or a mean person; an extremely sting person or a person who hoards wealth and spends very little. Cheapskate, cheeseparer, niggard, penny pincher, scrooge, or tightwad.
- Lizi "Mulumbi" lia kala na vulanguluisi vueka na vueka, hamosi li tumbula uze ke ku hana ku vakuavo, hamosi li tumbula uze a zimbalesa ntsimbu ngoco, hamosi li tumbula uze ke ku panga vimosi via seho, hamosi li tumbula ciheve.
- Mulumbi = time waster.
- Mulumbi = a person who does not do something good.
- Mulumbi = a fool.
- A ngoco = useless, worthless.
- Ngoco or va ngoco = without sense, no purpose.
- Ngoco or ngoco vene = thus/therefore.
- Ntunda = period.
- Ntunda = shoreline.
- Nkulundundu = grudge or vengeance.
- Nkulundundu = non-hunter.
- Nkala = crab.
- Nkala (indefinite pronoun) = any or anything. Example: nkala cuma (anything), nkala muhela (any bed).
- Omo = because.
- Omo = when.
- Omo = while.
- Omo vene = even so/alright.
- Pangela = share or distribute.
- Pangela = work for.
- Pita = pass.
- Pita = own or possess.
- Sika = rule or reign.
- Sika = promise.
- Singa = smear.
- Singa = stir.
- Singa = place a curse on.
- Soka = Shut.
- Soka = Grow in relationship to plants.
- Tota or kutota = knock/to knock.
- Tota or kutota = hatch or to hatch.
- Vangela = begin.
- Vangela = accuse falsely.
- Viana = deny or refuse.
- Viana (reproduction) = sperms or semen.
- Vuikisa = prepare.
- Vuikisa = make good or beautify.
- Zika = dress up someone.
- Zika = close an opening.
- Zula = wet
- Zula = undress.
To be continued.
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