Classification of nouns (Revision)

8 main classes of nouns in Luchazi 

There are eight (08) main classes of nouns and are distinguished from one another by their singular and plural prefixes.

CLASS 1: Mu - Va (Animate/personal class).
Example: Muntu (person) - Vantu (people).
CLASS 2: Mu - Mi (Plant/vegetable Kingdom class).
>Muti (tree) - Miti (trees).
>Mukuyu (fig tree) - Mikuyu (fig trees).
>Musambe (potatoes)
CLASS 3: Vu - Ma (Abstract Nouns).
>Vukuendze (young manhood).
>Vukuluntu (old age).
>Vunike (childish).
CLASS 4: Li - Ma (Augmentative Class).
>Lita (big gun) - Mata (many guns).
>Liato (large boat).
>Limpuevo (huge woman) = Mampuevo (huge/many women).
CLASS 5: Lu - Ma/Zi (Mass/large class).
>Lungano (big foot) - Mangano/Zingano.
CLASS 6: Ci - Vi (Articles/Things Class).
>Cindeyi (penny) - Vindeyi (pennies).
>Cilongo (crown) - Vilongo (pennies).
>Cini (mortar) - Vini (mortars).
CLASS 7: (Lost) - Zi/Vi (Inanimate/Animate Class).
>Mpoko (knife) - Zimpoko.
CLASS 8: Ka - Tu (Diminutive Class).
>Kamuandza (small cassava) - Tumuandza (little/few cassava).
>Kamundele (small maize/corn) - Tumundele (little/few maize/corn).
>Kafueto (little/poor pay/salary).
>Tumema (little water).
>Kana (tiny/small child/baby).
>Kalilonga (small plate).
>Kacikolo (small doorway).
>Tuvantsi (tiny/few fish).

Note: Some nouns are only used in the singular. These are:

1. Mundele (maize/corn).
2. Muandza (cassava).
3. Vuihua (mushroom).
4. Mema (water).
5. Mazi (oil).
6. Mavisi/Mavele (milk).

Some nouns are contempt. These are:

1. Kakuluntu (worthless/useless old person).
2. Lumpuevo (dumpy woman).

The table below shows the Eight main classes of Luchazi map onto the Proto-Bantu noun:


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