Types of foods in Lucazi - Vocabulary

Type of foods – Vocabulary In the sections below you will learn lots of words about the types of foods in Luchazi. The picture below shows the different types of foods in Luchazi Language. Vegetables and tubers vocabulary A vegetable refers to part of a plant that can be cooked and eaten with a main course. Likunde = bean or an edible seed, often kidney-shaped, that grows in a seedpod. Makunde (plural) = beans, lentils. Vipoke = pea beans. Vuihua = mushrooms. Luchazi people are known for their love of mushrooms and are experts in processing edible mushrooms. During rainy season, they go into the forests to collect edible mushrooms of which some are processed and dried. The common mushrooms (in Luchazi language) include vumbalambindzi, tete, kambandze, vulialuku, vuvanda mbambi, vusua, just to name a few. Zindzilo = eggplants. Mutete = roselle. Polu or Vipolu = leek or leeks. Sapola or Visapola = onion or onions. Tulumingo = garlic. Ku lumba = to give (especially food) more f...