
Types of foods in Lucazi - Vocabulary

Type of foods – Vocabulary In the sections below you will learn lots of words about the types of foods in Luchazi. The picture below shows the different types of foods in Luchazi Language. Vegetables and tubers vocabulary A vegetable refers to part of a plant that can be cooked and eaten with a main course. Likunde = bean or an edible seed, often kidney-shaped, that grows in a seedpod. Makunde (plural) = beans, lentils. Vipoke = pea beans. Vuihua = mushrooms.  Luchazi people are known for their love of mushrooms and are experts in processing edible mushrooms. During rainy season, they go into the forests to collect edible mushrooms of which some are processed and dried. The common mushrooms (in Luchazi language) include vumbalambindzi, tete, kambandze, vulialuku, vuvanda mbambi, vusua, just to name a few. Zindzilo = eggplants. Mutete = roselle. Polu or Vipolu = leek or leeks. Sapola or Visapola = onion or onions. Tulumingo = garlic. Ku lumba = to give (especially food) more f...

Words and Phrases defining housing and habitations in Lucazi

Words or phrases defining housing, habitations, and living quarters Limbo = village or a settlement comprising a group of houses. Membo (plural) = villages. Hembo = one's village or one’s place of residence. Kuimbo = Home, or one's own place of origin. Mbaka = town. Mavumba = suburbs. Ndzivo = house or a building that serves as a living quarter; or any building in which something is housed. Zindzivo (plural) = houses or buildings. Ndzivo ya masiko = Parliament. Ndzivo ya vangendzi = guesthouse, inn Ndzivo ya ku tulila vangendzi = lodge, guesthouse Vutulilo = lodging place or guesthouse. Ndzivo ya vipako = warehouse. Ndzivo ya vitua = armoury. Mbalaka = tent. Njanena = window. Vindulu = glass. Ndopi = brick. Zindopi = bricks. Tunga = build or construct. Tungulula = rebuild or reconstruct. Civumbe = wall. Vivumbe (plural) = walls. Mbango = corner. Zimbango (plural) = corners. Liteya = tile or roofing tile. Mateya (plural) = tiles. Cimbimbi = porch or a sheltered area at the ent...

Human reproductive organs vocabulary in Luchazi

Human reproductive organs & related words. The human reproductive organs are organs responsible for producing offspring. The human reproductive system involves several key processes and components in both males and females. Traditionally, it is an offence to mention private parts in public. Male reproductive organs and related words or phrases. In males, the system comprises the testes, which produce sperm, and a series of ducts and glands, including the epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and penis, which facilitate the transport and ejaculation of sperm during sexual intercourse. Likutu = penis. Vumala = manhood or penis. Vuandza = smegma or the white substance under the foreskin of an uncircumcised penis. Zimbindu = testicles or balls. Mukandi = testis. Mikandi Viana = sperms. Muhania = anus. Vonia = pubic hair. Ku lehuka = crushed testicles or castrated. Matakotako = uncovered buttocks. Female reproductive organs and related ...

Time vocabulary in Luchazi

Time vocabulary Here are the words and phrases that we use to talk about time in Luchazi language. Ntsimbu = time. Ntsimbu ya mu civali = second time. Lua mu civali = second time. Ntsimbu yose = all the time. Laza = long ago. Matangua a laza = old days. Ntsenkulu = ancient times. Miaka ya kuntsenkulu = ancient times. Ntunda = length of time or period or duration or long time. Lelo = today. Litangua lia lelo = this day. Mene = tomorrow. Meneavuze = day after tomorrow. Halakaca = next day. Litangua lieka = another day. Litangua limosi = one day. Tangua = someday. Litangua lia ngongo = daily. Ku litangua ku litangua = every day or day after day. Hatangua hatangua = every day or day by day. Litangua liose = all day, all day long. Litangua lia mutuntu = whole day. Matangua ose = all the days. Ku cimene ku cimene = every morning or morning after morning. Litangua olio = that day. Na ka lelo = to this day or until today. Zau = yesterday. Zaualize = day before yesterday. Zuzualize = three ...