Words and phrases that describe human behaviour in Luchazi
Words and phrases that describe behaviour
Here are some
words and phrases that describe human behaviour in Lucazi language, along with
their meanings in English:
- Cambangani
- Cendangane = vagabond.
- Cilenda = lazy person or a person who has a love of ease and dislike work or activity, lazybones, do-little or slouch.
- Cikele = drunkard or a person who habitually drinks to excess.
- Cikoyi = prostitute.
- Citanguizi = a person who leads others astray.
- Cindzaluke = madman.
- Cipululu = covetous, envious.
- Coua = stumbling block.
- Indzi = malice, ill will, wrongful intention.
- Kambilinginja = unsociable person or a loner.
- Kalivulika = a hermit or a solitary person or a person living in solitude.
- Ku livindilika = to have no friends.
- Kapopolola = belittle.
- Kasanguluka = a fickle or a person that is not steady in affection, behaviour, opinion and loyalty. A person who changes frequently especially as regards to one’s affection or loyalty.
- Kayengu = scorn, derision, contemptuous mockery.
- Ku handeka sanda = profane or vulgar talk.
- Kuhongoloka = to be deceitful or crooked.
- Kulingula = retribution.
- Kupenda = being intoxicated by alcohol or other intoxicating substance.
- Kusahula = to disgrace.
- Kutangalala = grandiosity or pomposity.
- Kutanguka = backslide or to revert to a worse condition; retrogress.
- Kutuaha = slander, backbite.
- Ku tomba = to mock or mockery.
- Kavuhale = concubine or mistress.
- Ku zikua = to be stubborn.
- Kuzoza = bitter disagreement.
- Lipangala = girlfriend, boyfriend or paramour.
- Lisino = disobedience.
- Lipamba or ku lipamba = boast or to boast; boastful.
- Lihalesa or ku lihalesa = to arrogantly feel superior; haughty.
- Lisungu = lust.
- Likamba = rude, insolent.
- Matoto = indignation, annoyance.
- Makuli = lies.
- Mukua makuli = liar.
- Mukua ku linienieta = complainer.
- Mukua ku ningita = murmurer.
- Mukua vuimbi = careless person.
- Vakua vuimbi = careless people.
- Mukua ku tambuluisa = follower.
- Vakua ku tambuluisa = followers or imitators.
- Mulozi = witch or a person that is credited with supernatural powers or a person practicing black magic.
- Mulumbi = miser or a mean person; an extremely sting person or a person who hoards wealth and spends very little. Cheapskate, cheeseparer, niggard, penny pincher, scrooge, or tightwad.
- Mulumbi = time waster.
- Mulumbi = a person who does not do something good.
- Mulumbi = a fool.
- Muntu ua mangana = a wise person.
- Muntu ua ku zela ngozi = a merciless person.
- Ndzimba = ignorance.
- Nkulundundu = vengeful; vengeance.
- Ntsalanima = laggard or a person who falls behind others.
- Onga or kuonga = deceive or to trick.
- Ononoka = obey.
- Pakesa = abuse. Example: Lelo va na tu pakesesa (today they have abused us).
- Sangama = be amiable. Be friendly.
- Sungama = be straight.
- Sangumuna = irritate, provoke.
- Sakasueka = fugitive.
- Tangula = lead astray.
- Uatsahakulia = glutton or excessively greedy eater.
- Vihandeka via ntsoni = obscene language, filthy talk or foolish talk.
- Visaki = blasphemy.
- Vuhale = polygamy.
- Vuhenge = wicked, unrighteous.
- Vuhuke = lacking discipline or wantonness or rebellious, or lively and playful when referring to a child. Nji na mu vetela vuhuke vueni = I have beaten him because of his wantonness.
- Vulumbi = miserliness, meanness, stinginess, or cheeseparing.
- Vulenda = laziness; unwilling to work or lack of effort.
- Vuli = showing a lack of energy or effort or care; not energetic.
- Vungungu = betrayal, betray.
- Vupangala = fornication or adultery.
- Vusonde = danger, perils.
- Vuzikua = stubbornness.
- Zimpata = stiff-necked or unwilling to accept control/advice.
- Ua kala na zimpata = he is a contrary fellow.
- Vuntselentsele = nakedness.
- Ua kala na luozi = he is pugnacious.
Human virtues
Human virtues are qualities
or traits that are considered morally good and valued across cultures and
societies. Some widely recognized human virtues in Lucazi and their meanings in English are:
- Cikeketima = compassion.
- Ciningi = to be understanding.
- Kolesa = be strong, steadfast.
- Ku hana-hana = generosity.
- Ku-konkoma = humility or meekness.
- Ku-likehesa = be humble.
- Ku lipokuesa = temperance.
- Ku santsela = gratitude.
- Ku-tsila mutima = to be focused or single-hearted; sincere and dedicated; honest; faithful; singleness of heart.
- Ku lisimpitika = to be of good courage; Ku lisimpitika = to be courageous.
- Lisimpitike = be of good courage.
- Lukakatela = perseverance or patience.
- Lulavelelo = hope.
- Mangana = wisdom.
- Muku = courage or inspiration.
- Ntsintsa = patience.
- Nkeke = kindness or kind-hearted.
- Simpa = endure or to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding.
- Takama = being characterized by steady, earnest and energetic effort or hardworking; diligence, energetic effort.
- Vuoloke = integrity.
Derogatory Words and phrases
Derogatory words
are words or phrases that ridicule or, and tend to disparage, belittle or
detract. These words and phrases can often be considered offensive.
- Celo = simpleton, dunce, idiot, imbecile, thickhead
- Ciheve = fool,
prat, a
person lacking in judgment or prudence, a harmlessly deranged person or one
lacking in common powers of understanding. a stupid or foolish person.
- Cimbali = lackey, a footman, or someone who does menial task or runs errands for his master.
- Cilima = uncircumcised.
- Kasahuntu = disrespectful or lack of respect or courtesy.
- Kutuka = to insult or speak or treat with disrespect or abuse.
- Vituka = insults.
- Uayambangana = senseless chatterer or someone who utter/talk about minor matter, loudmouth.
- Uasinama = silly or unwise.
- Cisiname = unwise person, airhead
- Visiname (plural) = unwise people.
- Vuzaluke = madness or disordered in mind.
- Muvuzi = ignoramus, uneducated It refers to an extremely ignorant person or a person who knows nothing.
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