Emotions and Feelings vocabulary in Luchazi

Emotions and feelings vocabulary

Emotions and feelings vocabulary refers to the range of words and phrases used to describe different emotional states and sensations. Below is a list of common or basic emotions and feelings in Lucazi, and their meanings in English:


  1. Vutenu = anger.
  2. Kutenuka = get angry.
  3. Ku kanguoka = rant.
  4. Matoto or Litoto = temper.
  5. Zuzuka = terrified or frighten.
  6. Ku-zakama = anguish.
  7. Ku sangumuna = provoke, irritate, exasperate.
  8. Cizindo = hatred.
  9. Keniuka = cruel.
  10. Ku likata =
  11. Chindumba ua likatiesele cikuma = Chindumba was so frustrated.
  12. Ntsangu = wrath or resentment.
  13. Ntsangu i tsiha mukua ku heva = resentment kills a fool.
  14. Nianga = bitterness.
  15. Ku-lingula = vengeance.
  16. Ku liveya = to envy.


  1. Cintsima = fear.
  2. Vuoma = fear.
  3. Cangasis = hidden fear which is a result of consciousness of guilt.
  4. Kati u ivue vuoma = don't be afraid.
  5. Cangasis = hidden fear which is a result of consciousness of guilt.
  6. Zuzuka = terrified.
  7. Zuzuma = feeble.
  8. Nja zuzuma = I am feeble, or I am faint.
  9. Ku vambela = sore broken or broken beyond measure.
  10. Mundzundzu = horror or fear.
  11. Ndandama = pant, throb, pulsate.
  12. Mutima uange u ndandama = my heart panted.
  13. Mutima ua ndandama = the heart flutters.


  1. Lila = cry.
  2. Ku lila = to cry.
  3. Masozi = tears.
  4. Sotola masozi = shed tears.
  5. Ku sotola masozi = to shed tears.
  6. Kuikui = sob.
  7. Kulitetela = to scream.
  8. Ku lua mutima = to agonize.
  9. Cihonda = anguish.
  10. Vusiua = sorrow.
  11. Masiua = sorrows.
  12. Vusona = sorrow.
  13. Ntsoni = shame.
  14. Ngongo = woe or great sorrow.
  15. Ku vatuka ku mutima = broken-hearted.
  16. Mivindzo ya mutima = disquietness of the heart.
  17. Ku vindzuoka = to groan.
  18. Kuzezumuka = gloominess.
  19. Kulava ku mutima = to be offended or hurt.
  20. Ku ivua mema ku mutima = to be compassionate.
  21. Ku uma mutima = to worry.
  22. Ku-zuma ku mutima = anxiety.
  23. Ku-tsa mutima = feel depressed or demoralized or dispirited or terrified.
  24. Ku liveta cikumba = to be dismayed.
  25. Kati u livete cikumba = don't be dismayed.
  26. Kulinienga = lament.
  27. Viniengo = lamentations.
  28. Ku ningita = to murmur.
  29. Ku linienieta = to complain.
  30. Kulinienga = lament or complain.
  31. Kutatuoka = grumbly or grumble.
  32. Ku lila mbimbiamitue = wailing.
  33. Kuningita = to murmur.
  34. Kulinienieta = to complain.
  35. Kutatuoka = contentions or grumble.
  36. Kuvindzuoka = to groan in pain or stress.
  37. Kutuaha = slander or backbite.
  38. Kulembezieka = comfort.
  39. Lamba = affliction.
  40. Kayando = hardship or misery.
  41. Kati kayando ua muene = that wasn't suffering he saw or endured.
  42. Omo muntu ou, nji na mono kayando = because of this person I have suffered.
  43. Ku fuitangana = to struggle or travail.
  44. Vitanga = challenges or problems.
  45. Kati a nji kese na vitanga = I don't want him/her to leave me with problems.
  46. Ku aluluka ku mutima = to repent or be repentant.


  1. Ciyovo = something mysterious outside natural law/something unusual or weird or odd.
  2. Komoka = surprise or astonish.
  3. Cikomoueso = a wonder or marvel.


  1. Cilemo = love.
  2. Ku lema = to love.
  3. Nja ku lema = I love you.
  4. Cilemo cange = my love.
  5. Mukua cilemo cange = my beloved.
  6. Uange ua cilemo = my darling.
  7. Ku suanga = to entice or captivate.
  8. Ku vumbatela = embrace or hug.
  9. Ku tsuemba = to kiss.
  10. Ku zanga = to like or want.
  11. Cizango = affection or desire.
  12. Cizango ceni = his will or desire.
  13. Lifuua = jealousy. Lifuua lia keniuka ngue vukalo vua vatsi (jealousy is cruel as the grave). Lifuua li niola mukua ku sinama = (Jealousy slays the silly person).
  14. Lisungu = inordinate affection or lustful passion.
  15. Sungumuka = become alienated in affections.
  16. Sungumioka = be in constant in affections.


  1. Ndzolela = happiness/joy.
  2. Zolela = rejoice.
  3. Ku zola = to laugh.
  4. Viukilila = exhilarate.
  5. Ku viukilila = be exhilarated.
  6. Ku ya ku mutima = to please or make happy. Example: Ikeye na nji I ku mutima cikuma.
  7. Ku zika mutima = to rely on or trust in.


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