Forest and vegetation vocabulary in Luchazi

Forest and vegetation vocabulary

Forest and vegetation vocabulary refers to words and phrases used to describe various aspects of forests, plants, and ecosystems. Here are some Luchazi words and phrases and their meanings in English:

  1. Cindzembua = shrub.
  2. Vindzembua (plural) = shrubs.
  3. Ciputa = bushy.
  4. Viputa (plural) = bushes.
  5. Cisoni = stubble or straw.
  6. Visoni (plural) = straw, stubbles.
  7. Cisuasua = stubble or straw.
  8. Visuasua (plural) = straw, stubbles.
  9. Lihumbu = a dense group of bushes or trees.
  10. Muila = grass.
  11. Mungu = nettles.
  12. Musenge = bush, forest.
  13. Ntsuata = forest.
  14. Ntsuata ya musenge = woodland. Forest.
  15. Tumuni = brier; a prickly plant or a thorny twig.
  16. Tundzata = brambles.
  17. Vusito = thicket, grove, or growth of small trees.
  18. Vusaki = a thicket in which wild animals can hide.

"Handekela cana, musenge ua zika." ~ Luchazi wisdom.

Parts of a tree

A tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches, leaves, and other structures. Here are parts of a tree in Luchazi and their meanings in English:

  1. Muti = tree.
  2. Miti (plural) = trees.
  3. Citi = stick.
  4. Viti (plural) = sticks.
  5. Vusuka = boughs or main branches of the tree.
  6. Mutango = branch.
  7. Mitango (plural).
  8. Citetele = twig.
  9. Vitetele (plural) = twigs.
  10. Muzi = root.
  11. Mizi (plural) = roots.
  12. Lifo = leaf.
  13. Mefo (plural) = leaves.
  14. Ntemo = bud.
  15. Zintemo (plural) = buds.
  16. Ntsani = flower or blossom.
  17. Zintsani = flowers or a blossom; a mass of flowers on a tree or bush.
  18. Mungonga = thorn.
  19. Mingonga = thorns.
  20. Mbimbo = long thorn.
  21. Zimbimbo (plural) = long thorns.

Parts of a tree trunk and related words

A tree trunk is the main stem of the tree that supports the branches. Here are parts of a tree trunk in Lucazi and their meanings in English:

  1. Cimbundi = stump.
  2. Cula = tree bark. It is the tough outermost layer of a tree’s trunk that protects the tree from damage.
  3. Ntsengua = heartwood; it is the dead, central part of the xylem that does not conducts or transport water up the tree.
  4. Zintsengua (plural) = heartwood or poles.
  5. Mpako = tree hollow or tree hole or tree cavity.
  6. Kupakula = to cut down big trees.
  7. Kuvuka = to remove barks from big trees.
  8. Kuhima = thick or thickness.

  1. Savitiava = lumberjack.
  2. Tiava = cut logs or wood.
  3. Cikuni = firewood.
  4. Vikuni (plural) = firewood.
  5. Masila = big fresh wood that are used as supports at a fireplace.
  6. Tuhia = fire.
  7. Muisi = smoke.
  8. Mulengi = flame.
  9. Manungu = charcoal.
  10. Mazokozoko = coals.

  1. Suameka = light or ignite.
  2. Vueka = kindle or cast fire.
  3. Huzila = puff.
  4. Kusukuma = burning.
  5. Citenga ca tuhia = hearth of fire.
  6. Ku zima = put out, quench, extinguish a fire.
  7. Ota = warm oneself at the fireplace.
  8. Sondoloka = move away or far from.
  9. Muyengo = pipe/chimney.


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