Luchazi lunar calendar

The Luchazi Lunar year begins in April and consists of 13 lunar months, each with 28 days. The Luchazi dating system is based on complete cycles of the Moon and name each moon as it appears in the Western sky, that is, after sunset. However, toady they have adopted the 12 months system. As the Luchazi and other Ngangela languages disagree at times, care is needed. These months are:

1.  April = Ku uana

2.  May = Kuhu, or kusamba.

3.  June = Kavavu.

4.  July = Konda mema.

5.  August = Katuinye

6.  September = Kantsukue.

7.  October = Katondue-Kuenye.

8.  November = Kulombo.

9.  December = Kazimbi.

10.  January = Ndzimbi.

11.  February = Kuvozi.

12.  March = Kutatu.

Here are some months in other Ngangela languages that differ from Luchazi:

1.  August = kalyandengo.

2.  September = ntumbakatwinye.

3.  November = hala.

Other Luchazi people add Kambamba na Lisa for April.


1.  Day = Litangua.

2.  Week = Simano (from semana in spanish/Portuguese language).

3.  Month = Ngonde.


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