
Showing posts from 2025

List of Luchazi names

  Luchazi names A Luchazi baby is named after an adult member of its parents’ family or close relative of either parents when both baby and relative are of same sex. Names of girls Here is the list of Luchazi names for girls: Chimbesu Chindamba Chisengo Chivingo Chindele Chinenge Chipango Chinika Funda Kashimbi Kakuhu Kalumbu Kamana Kanunga Kuvangu Likumbi Mbambi Mbaka Mufuka Mahongo Mununga Mutango Ngambo Ngelenge Ngeve Ngendzo Nkenga Ntsonde Sali Senda Vihemba Viso Visoni Viuala Vuime Vumba Yemba Names of boys Here is the list of Luchazi names for boys: Cahiata Cahuima Calenga Calimbue Chenda Chihami Chilanda Chilemu Chiliva Chilunda Chikekela Chikomba Chikoka Chikote Chindumba Chipipa Chisanda Chitali Chizelu Chiyena Chihinga Chiwaya Chinyundu Chikololo Chingumbe Chisweka Chivunda Chiyengo Chimboma Cisewa Cisehua Chimbau Chinyeka Chibiya Chinoya Citimba Chiuisa or Chiwisa Chinganda Chiyaka Chim...

Forest and vegetation vocabulary in Luchazi

Forest and vegetation vocabulary Forest and vegetation vocabulary refers to words and phrases used to describe various aspects of forests, plants, and ecosystems. Here are some Luchazi words and phrases and their meanings in English: Cindzembua = shrub. Vindzembua (plural) = shrubs. Ciputa = bushy. Viputa (plural) = bushes. Cisoni = stubble or straw. Visoni (plural) = straw, stubbles. Cisuasua = stubble or straw. Visuasua (plural) = straw, stubbles. Lihumbu = a dense group of bushes or trees. Muila = grass. Mungu = nettles. Musenge = bush, forest. Ntsuata = forest. Ntsuata ya musenge = woodland. Forest. Tumuni = brier; a prickly plant or a thorny twig. Tundzata = brambles. Vusito = thicket, grove, or growth of small trees. Vusaki = a thicket in which wild animals can hide. "Handekela cana, musenge ua zika." ~ Luchazi wisdom. Parts of a tree A tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches, leaves, an...

Emotions and Feelings vocabulary in Luchazi

Emotions and feelings vocabulary Emotions and feelings vocabulary refers to the range of words and phrases used to describe different emotional states and sensations. Below is a list of common or basic emotions and feelings in Lucazi, and their meanings in English: Anger Vutenu = anger. Kutenuka = get angry. Ku kanguoka = rant. Matoto or Litoto = temper. Zuzuka = terrified or frighten. Ku-zakama = anguish. Ku sangumuna = provoke, irritate, exasperate. Cizindo = hatred. Keniuka = cruel. Ku likata = Chindumba ua likatiesele cikuma = Chindumba was so frustrated. Ntsangu = wrath or resentment. Ntsangu i tsiha mukua ku heva = resentment kills a fool. Nianga = bitterness. Ku-lingula = vengeance. Ku liveya = to envy. Fear Cintsima = fear. Vuoma = fear. Cangasis = hidden fear which is a result of consciousness of guilt. Kati u ivue vuoma = don't be afraid. Cangasis = hidden fear which is a result of consciousness of guilt. Zuzuka = terrified. Zuzuma ...

Words and phrases that describe human behaviour in Luchazi

Words and phrases that describe behaviour Here are some words and phrases that describe human behaviour in Lucazi language, along with their meanings in English: Cambangani Cendangane = vagabond. Cilenda = lazy person or a person who has a love of ease and dislike work or activity, lazybones, do-little or slouch. Cikele = drunkard or a person who habitually drinks to excess. Cikoyi = prostitute. Citanguizi = a person who leads others astray. Cindzaluke = madman. Cipululu = covetous, envious. Coua = stumbling block. Indzi = malice, ill will, wrongful intention. Kambilinginja = unsociable person or a loner. Kalivulika = a hermit or a solitary person or a person living in solitude. Ku livindilika = to have no friends. Kapopolola = belittle. Kasanguluka = a fickle or a person that is not steady in affection, behaviour, opinion and loyalty. A person who changes frequently especially as regards to one’s affection or loyalty. Kayengu = scorn, derision, contemptuous mockery. Ku handeka san...