
Classification of nouns (Revision)

8 main classes of nouns in Luchazi  There are eight (08) main classes of nouns and are distinguished from one another by their singular and plural prefixes. CLASS 1: Mu - Va (Animate/personal class). Example: Muntu (person) - Vantu (people). CLASS 2: Mu - Mi (Plant/vegetable Kingdom class). Examples:  >Muti (tree) - Miti (trees). >Mukuyu (fig tree) - Mikuyu (fig trees). >Mutete. >Musambe (potatoes) CLASS 3: Vu - Ma  (Abstract Nouns). Examples: >Vukuendze (young manhood). >Vukuluntu (old age). >Vunike (childish). CLASS 4: Li - Ma  (Augmentative Class). Examples: >Lita (big gun) - Mata (many guns). >Liato (large boat). >Limpuevo (huge woman) = Mampuevo (huge/many women). CLASS 5: Lu - Ma/Zi (Mass/large class). Examples: >Lungano (big foot) - Mangano/Zingano. CLASS 6: Ci - Vi  (Articles/Things Class). Examples: >Cindeyi (penny) - Vindeyi (pennies). >Cilongo (crown) - Vilongo (pennies). >Cini (mortar) - Vini (mortars). CLASS 7: (Lost) - Zi/Vi  (

Greetings in Luchazi

  1. Cimene = Morning. 2. Mutana = Afternoon. 3. Cinguezi/manguezi = Evening. 4. Ua hinduka vati? = How are you? /Good morning? 5. Nja hinduka muacili = I am fine. 6. Uli vati? = How are you? (Although it is widely used, Luchazi elders say that this is not acceptable as a greeting). 7. Njili muacili = I am fine. 8. Mua hinduka vati?(polite/plural) = How are you? Good morning? 9. Tua hinduka muacili = I am fine/we are fine. 10. Muli vati?(polite/plural) = How are you? (Not acceptable as Luchazi greeting as earlier). 11. Tuli muacili = I am fine/we are fine. 12. Yange uno = I am fine/here am I. 13. Yetu vano (polite/plural) = I am fine/we are fine or here am I. 14. Mitende yenu = My regards. Note: Some Ngangela speaking people have directly translated and modified the greetings as follows: 15. Cimene ca cili = Good morning. 16. Mutana ua cili = Good afternoon. 17. Cinguezi ca cili = Good evening. 18. Vutsiki vua cili = Good night. Other important words are: 19. Hinduisa

Names of wild animals in Luchazi

 1.  Kakuhu = giraffe 🦒. 2. Ngolo = zebra. 🦓 3. Ingue = leopard. 4. Lilangalankondo = cheetah. 5. Ndumba = lion 🦁. 6. Njamba = elephant🐘. 7. Cimanda = rhino🦏. 8. Nguvu = Hippo. 9. Niamahundu = baboon. 10. Mahundu = apes. 11. Cima = monkey. 12. Mpakasa = buffalo. 13. Combo = wild pig/boar. 14. Cihengi = warthog. 15. Ciyambi = hunter. 16. Yomba = hunt. 17. Likanzo = communal/group hunting. 18. Vuta = gun. 19. Vuta vua lungusa = bow. 20. Mungamba = 21. Muvi = arrow. 22. Mivi (plural) = arrows. 23. Zimbalula = darts. 24. Pilula = shoot/set off a trap. 25. Niola = slay/slaughter. 26. Mumba = fishing spear. 27. Miumba (plural) = fishing spears. 28. Zintsempe = barbs/barbed. 29. Kuolovela = fishing🎣. 30. Vulovo = hook. 31. Manda = nets. 32. Ziondzi = fibre gins/threads. 33. Ciliva = trap 34. Ngandzo = snare 35. Cilianga = bullet.


Elision is the process of joining or merging of words that result in shorter version of that word (e.g., Do not = don't, there is = there's). 1. Tata yetu = tatetu (our father). 2. Nana yetu = nanetu (our mother). 3. Iso uenu = isuenu (your father). 4. Noko uenu = nokuenu (your mother). 5. Yala yange = yaliange (my husband). 6. Mpuevo yange = mpueiange (my wife). 7. Yala yove = yaliove (your husband). 8. Mpuevo yove = mpueliove (your wife). 9. Yala yeni = yalieni (her husband). 10. Mpuevo yeni = mpueieni (his wife). 11. Muana uange = muanange (my child). 12. Muana ueni = muaneni (his/her child). 13. Muana uetu = muanetu (our child). 14. Mpanji yove = mpanjove (your cousin). 15. Nanantu = nantu (my uncle). 16. Nokontu uenu = nokontuenu (your uncle). 17. Tele = te (first). 18. Ngantsa ka = antsa ka (wouldn't have). 19. Tala = ta (watch) Ex. Ta nji pange (watch while I work). 20. Mana = ma (wait). Ex. ma nji handeke (wait while I speak). 21. Intsimbu = int

Geographical features in Luchazi

Geographical features are the physical features of the earth including man-made features. 1.  Mavu = Earth or land. 2.  Muncinda = Mountain. 3.  Mincinda (plural) = Mountains. 4.  Malundu = Hills. 5.  Lilundu (singular) = Hill. 6.  Cimbongo = Valley. 7.  Mavue = Stones or rocks. 8.  Cana = Plain. 9.  Zindinda = Deserts. 10.  Ndonga = River. 11.  Zindundzi = Springs of water. 12.  Mema a kalunga = Sea. 13.  Ndzinga = Ocean. 14.  Zinkundu = Islands. 15.  Nkundu (singular) = Island. 16.  Cisali = Pool or lake. 17.  Ndzindza = Boundary mark. 18.  Vucelo = East. 19.  Vutokelo = West. 20.  Nolote = North. 21.  Sulu = South. 22.  Cilio = Right. 23.  Cimosue = Left. 24.  Mpumputa = Dust. 25.  Museke = Sand. To be continued... F eel free to contribute and make corrections in the comment box. Thank you.

Weather conditions in Luchazi

Weather conditions refers to day-to-day state of atmosphere prevailing in an area as regards heat, wind, rain, cloudiness etc. 1.  Maselua = Clouds. 2.  Liselua (singular) = Cloud. 3.  Kalunga = Rain. 4.  Mema a ku noka = Rain. 5.  Luindza = Rainy or wet. 6.  Mihiato = Lightning. 7.  Kuzima ca kalunga = Thunder. 8.  Nkongolo = Rainbow. 9.  Cau = Dry. 10.  Ndzualala = bright or clear. 11.  Mutana = Sunny. 12.  Luhundzi = Windy. 13.  Livazi = Flood. 14.  Mbundu = Mist. 15.  Mume = Dew. 16.  Cuku or Muku = Vapour. 17.  Neve = Snown. 18.  Ntondue = Summer. 19.  Mema a Lihungula ntsoke = Spring rain or spring. 20.  Mema a Musanda = Autumn rain or Autumn. 21.  Cisika = Winter. 22. Lusiho = Winter. 23.  Masika = Cold. 24.  Cinkumba = Whirlwind. 25.  Mema a civue = hailstorm. 26.  Mandunduma a mavu = Earthquake. 28.  Mancimpa = Waves. 29.  Cimbembe = shade. 30.  Kutontola = to be Cold. 31.  Kutuima = to be warm. 32.  Savakana = Lukewarm. To be continued... Corrections are welcome. Just leave y

Words related to living quarters.

Semantics is the linguistic study of the meaning of a word, phrase or text in language. Semantics tone are a very important feature of the Luchazi language. WORDS RELATED TO LIVING QUARTERS. WORDS OR PHRASES OF PLACE AND WORDS RELATED TO LIVING QUARTERS. 1.  Limbo = Village, or a settlement comprising a group of houses. 2.  Hembo = One's place of residence or village. 3.  Kuimbo = Home, or one's own place of origin. 4.  Tunga = Build. 5.  Ndzivo = House, or a building that serves as a living quarter; or any building in which something is housed. 6.  Ndzivo ya vipako = Warehouse. 7.  Ndzivo ya vitua = Armoury. 8.  Muandzi = Crack. 9.  Miandzi (plural) = Cracks. 10.  Tungulula = Rebuild. 11.  Vumba = Mold/Make. 12.  Ndopi = Brick. 13.  Zindopi (plural) = Bricks. 14.  Ndova = Plaster. 15.  Ndzango = a thatched structure built in the centre of the village and serves as the meeting place of all men. 16.  Ntsenge = A shelter or place where food is prepared and cooked; or kitchen. 17.