
Family vocabulary in Luchazi

Family vocabulary and words defining human relationship These are words used to talk about different members of a family. It is important to learn words defining relationship correctly from the very beginning as they are so common in everyday speech. Here are the Lucazi words and their meanings in English: Visemi = parents. Tata = father or paternal uncle or great grandfather. Vatata (plural or polite form) = fathers or, polite form for father or paternal uncle or great grandfather). Tatetu = our father. Iso = your father. Vaiso (polite form) = your father. Isuenu = your father. Ise = his or her father. Vaise (polite form) = his or her father. Iseavo = their father. Nana = mother or maternal aunt or great grandmother. Vanana (plural or polite form) = mothers or, polite form for mother or maternal aunt or great grandmother. Nanetu = our mother. Noko = your mother. Naye or vanaye = his or her mother. Nayavo = their mother. Cinavala = aunt or paternal aunt. Cinavaletu = our aunt....

Names of insects in Luchazi

Insects vocabulary in Lucazi Insects can be divided into two groups namely flying insects and crawling insects. Kalume = insect. Tulume (plural) = insects. Vuandandzili = cobweb or spider’s web. Mandandzili (plural) = cobwebs. Flying insects Here is a list of the common flying insects in Luchazi and English: Cimbilimbindzi = butterfly. Kangenengene = mosquito. Tungenengene (plural) = mosquitoes. Kasua = flying termite. Tusua (plural) = flying termites. Lilu = wasp or hornet. Malu (plural) = wasps or hornets. Mbimba = locust. Vambimba (plural) = locusts. Mbimba Cimoto Mbimba Likumbi Mbimba Liteva Mbimba Mukumbi Mbimba Musamusa Mbimba Kapoko Munkelendende = dragonfly. Mpuka = bee. Vampuka = bees. Ndzindzi = housefly. Vandzindzi (plural) = houseflies. Ntembulu = moth. Vantembulu (plural) = Tetakatemo = praying mantis. Crawling insects Here is a list of common insect vocabulary related to crawling insects: Citokotoko = dung be...

Domestics Birds and poultry products in Luchazi

Notes on the Noun Classes In Luchazi birds take the pronouns and often the alliterative concord of the following noun classes: Class 1 ( Mu- Va ): Examples: Ntento , pl. Vantento,  Class 4 ( Li- Ma ): Examples: Lipato, pl. Mapato: Livembe, pl. Mavembe;

Clothes and accessories vocabulary in Luchazi

Clothes and accessories vocabulary Muzi = lack of clothing or shabby appearance. Matakotako = uncovered buttocks. Vuntselentsele = nakedness. Zala = dress up. Zula = undress. Vuzalo or vizalo = clothes or garment. Mbengua = a hole in a cloth or a line of teared cloth. Citopeko = patch. Ku topeka = to patch. Citopeko ca ntanga = a patch of cloth. Vindzumbila = clouts or patches on worn-out clothes. Vintukuntuku = old rotten rags. Zintsantso = rags. Muntsakania = tassel or a tuft of loosely hanging threads. Mukunduilo = hem or border of a garment Kazaku = jacket. Kambilititi = coat. Cikovelo = shirt. Cikalasau = short or pant. Muiva = belt. Zinkaku = sandals. Sapato = shoes. Makayi = bracelets. Kandzeya = ring. Most of the articles belong to the Class 6 (Ci- Vi) and other noun classes together with their subclasses. Other words related to the clothing articles: Cindambua (sl.)  = Sackcloth or coarse fabric.   Vindambua ( pl.) =  Sack clothes or coarse fabrics. Ntanga (...

Human physical appearance vocabulary in Luchazi

Human physical appearance vocabulary Human physical traits are the observable features that define an individual’s appearance. Physical appearance can vary from one individual to another. Some common physical traits include height, build, skin tone, sexual organs, and body deformation. Here are some common words or phrases in Luchazi language used to describe physical traits and appearance: Muntu = person, human being, individual. Vantu (plural) = people, human race, mankind. Yala = male or man. Mpuevo = female or woman. Muntu mulava = black person. Vantu valava = black people. Cindele = white person especially European. Vindele (plural) = white people or Europeans. Civuvu = albino. Kasekele = light skinned person. Muntu ua laha = a tall person. Muntu ua kama = big person. Cikisikisi or Likisikisi = giant. Muntu ua muihi = short person. Cimba = dwarf/midget. Kapuputa = blind person. Kasindamatuitui = deaf person. Kaveveve = dumb person. Hokama or ku hokama = thin or to be thin. Hin...

Luchazi Grammar

Luchazi (Lucazi, antonym: Chiluchazi ) is a Bantu language of Angola , Democratic Republic of Congo, Namibia and Zambia .  The language belongs to Ciokwe-Luchazi (K.13) class of the Niger-Congo languages (Language code: ISO 639-3 lch). Luchazi is the principal language of the Ngangela  Group. Ngangela is a term coined by the Kimbundu traders and missionaries in 18th century to describe the tribes occupying the area of eastern-central Angola. Ngangela simply means people of the east who have a common word 'Nga' in their languages. Orthography and Phonetics Luchazi is written using the Latin alphabet , with most characters representing the same sound as in English, with some exceptions. c is pronounced like ch in church , n followed by k or g is always nasal like ng in ring , the sound of v is bilabial instead of labiodental. Consonants The following table displays all the consonants in Luchazi: Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar La...